We Want Your Transplant Journey to Be Easier Than Ours
Irena Bucci
Founder of TxMultilisting.com (now Transplant Coach Inc.) Web Developer, directing kidney failure patients to transplant centers with shorter wait.
As a transplant candidate undergoing transplant evaluations at 9 different centers in 2012, I firsthand experienced a significant variation of care, waiting times for transplant and unnecessary delays during evaluation process. "I always believed there should be a better way to navigate the process. Transplant Coach has already significantly reduced wait for so many and expedited pre-transplant evaluation for transplant candidates. I am confident our services will grow to transform transplant journeys and the listing process across the country.
Jacob Bluestein
Co-founder of Transplant Coach Inc., experienced in scaling Real Estate and Finance products and services.
In 2016, I faced the challenging reality of a 5+ wait for a kidney transplant in New York City. Determined to explore alternative options, I listed at a center in another state with significantly shorter wait time, reducing my waiting time from 5+ years to less than 1 year - a decision that saved my life. This journey ignited a deep-seated commitment to transforming how transplant candidates look at their treatment options. My goal is for future candidates to experience shorter wait times and more efficient care through Transplant Coach.